The Sacramento Central Labor Council represents workers throughout Amador, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, and Yolo Counties in Northern California.
Sac CLC is a democratically governed council of over 100 affiliated unions and labor organizations, representing about 200,000 union members in the region. We come together to defend the rights of working people, build the collective power of our labor movement, support workers in our campaigns, and fight against social and economic injustice and for a world where all workers democratically determine the conditions of their workplaces and their world.
200,000 STRONG
Workers across the region are organizing, joining and forming unions, marching and striking, bargaining strong contracts, and holding bosses to account. And we’re constantly strategizing about how to build union capacity and apply more leverage to empower workers and scale our efforts in the endless struggle against the predatory schemes of the billionaire class.
Sac CLC represents and builds the power of our union members with delegate assemblies, strategic programs, workshops and trainings, volunteer organizing, community services, campaign support, legislative advocacy, labor movement leadership, union news and research, community social events, and much more.
Sac CLC hosts workshops and classes in organizing strategy and tactics, panels and talks on labor issues, reading groups, trainings on useful skills for organizing, and access to valuable organizing tools and resources.
Whether your passion is working class history, woodworking, web design, or watercolors, we can help you develop your skills and put them to use to advance the labor movement.
You can receive weekly updates from the Sacramento Central Labor Council with notices about events and classes, volunteer opportunities, affiliate union actions and campaigns, and resources for labor power.
The State of the Unions Forum
We’re gathering labor and community stakeholders together to discuss action and strategy around two central organizing issues: health care and housing. In the weeks after the forum, we will begin to hit the streets to canvass and mobilize our community around these issues, so prepare yourselves for some big bold organizing campaigns this year. Please register to attend our forum and contribute your valuable perspective to our labor strategy session.
Sac CLC Crab Feed
All-you-can-eat crab, drinks, raffles, giveaways, music, dancing, desserts. This annual fundraiser for the Sac CLC is a literal feast for the senses. Sponsor a table for your union members, or purchase individual tickets for $75. Proceeds support Sac CLC’s programs to build labor power in the region.
Housing Canvass Training
We’re preparing to mobilize around campaigns to guarantee affordable housing for everyone, with a training on how to focus our housing discussion with fellow members of our community, in collaboration with labor and community partners leading the housing fight.
Health Care Canvass Training
We’re also preparing to mobilize around campaigns to secure health care for everyone, with a training on community canvassing for health care access in collaboration with labor and community partners leading the fight for universal health care.
There shouldn’t be Bond villain billionaires with private islands and spaceships, and there shouldn’t be people working extra jobs to pay the bills, or sleeping in tents under highway overpasses, or worried their boss could fire them for no reason and end their health care.
But the bosses of the world aren’t going to repent and become saviors of the working class, so we as workers must organize ourselves to fight and win what we deserve. Our power comes from solidarity, from our collective capacity when we are united in a union, and in coalitions of unions, which can stop the gears of production and profit and thereby force the bosses to relent. As the great abolitionist organizer Frederick Douglass said, “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.”
No matter whether you are a longtime union delegate or newly employed at a job without union representation, whether you are a retired former union member or unemployed and looking for work, there are so many ways for you to organize and help build the power of the labor movement.
From teachers to firefighters to nurses to electricians, many important and rewarding professions are unionized. If you know the field of work you want to pursue, you can use our union finder to see a list of companies with union contracts in your field.
You can search available union staff jobs in the region on the Union Jobs website, or by looking on the website of any union local you wish to apply to work at by consulting our list of union affiliates.
Visit the Sacramento-Sierra’s Building & Construction Trades Council Apprenticeship Opportunities page for information on 32 programs with pathways into careers in union trades, known as Joint Apprenticeship Training Centers (JATCs).
Visit Unionize California to connect with staff at the California Federation of Labor Unions, who can help you start organizing your workplace and introduce you to skilled union organizers.
You can also consult our Tools page for useful resources and information, and sign up for upcoming workshops and classes.
Are you a union member? Ask not what your union can do for you but what you can do for your union! Your presence and participation makes your union strong.
Attend and engage actively in local union meetings and events, follow your local union news, and communicate regularly with your coworkers and fellow union members about labor issues and activities.
If you don’t know where to start, you can look up your local union’s website, social media, and contact information on our union affiliates list, or connect with the CLC at one of our upcoming events.
Sac CLC holds Labor 101 workshops for local elected officials, aspiring candidates, and other political professionals who seek to be allies to the labor movement.
The CLC also organizes pro-labor political slates for ADEMS and endorses candidates for local political races from school board to assembly. You can read more about our democratic process for endorsing labor candidates on our Union Democracy page.
Sac CLC has a formal democratic process for endorsing labor candidates, and we provide detailed information on who we consider to be labor allies and why.
We encourage our members to vote for pro-labor candidates and causes, and you can help by volunteering to phone bank and canvass to spread the message on behalf of the labor movement and inform our community about the stakes involved in political races.
Sac CLC organizes community services and convenes volunteers from our member unions to support local causes and demonstrate the power of mutual aid and solidarity by living it.
Register to volunteer for community services and lead by example. You can also sign up to our newsletter and join the Sac CLC A-Team for notices about local labor actions that need volunteer support.
They say showing up is half the battle, and it’s the simplest way to contribute to the power of the labor movement. You can sign up to our newsletter to receive weekly updates on labor news and events in the region, and join the Sac CLC A-Team to receive special alerts about local labor actions in need of rank-and-file reinforcements.
The labor movement isn’t all struggle and sacrifice. It’s also important to get together with our comrades and enjoy the gift of each others’ company. Sac CLC organizes social events and stimulating talks, reading groups, and strategy sessions, so there’s always something to engage with and enjoy. Check out our upcoming events.
Check out our Buy Union guides to see which companies are unionized and which are union-busting and must be avoided.
With reading groups, forums and talks, workshops, classes, webinars, and more, there’s a lot of events at the CLC that you can engage with to train up your skills and power up the labor movement.
Our new lending library contains hundreds of physical and digital books on labor issues—including history, economics, novels, songbooks, and children’s books—as well as useful objects to check out and use, such as megaphones and button presses. Sign up for a free library membership and get inspired by a good book.